Zimbabwe Women Against Corruption Trust

3 from 1 activities
 Harare, Zimbabwe

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Zimbabwe Women Against Corruption Trust


Law, Advocacy and Politics


Harare, Zimbabwe

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We help Marginalized communities vulnerable to corruption. by Community Education/ Awareness raising/Advocacy .

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More about Zimbabwe Women Against Corruption Trust

ZWACT is a non profit making organization dedicated to campaign against corruption focusing on its devastating impact on women and girls in Zimbabwean communities. We envision to see a society where women and girls fully participate in anti-corruption initiatives through demanding transparency and accountability duty from duty bearers. At ZWACT we view corruption as a major barrier which hinders women and girls from accessing basic services such as healthcare,water and sanitation and education. Although corruption affects everyone, women are more likely to be affected the most because of their care giving roles in the families. Sometimes women encounter corruption of sexual nature that is sextortion or sexual corruption. This form of corruption is so common yet under reported due to the absence of proper legal framework. Victims of sextortion usually fail to report because of fear of victimization and backlash from perpetrators. At ZWACT we strengthen women and girls participation in ...

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