25 Canary St, Cottesloe, Johannesburg, 2092, South Africa
website help The profoundly intellectually disabled by providing full-time residential nursing care..
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More about Woodside Sanctuary
Woodside Sanctuary, started in 1955 and based in Johannesburg, is a registered PBO: 18/11/13/1075 and NPO: 000-819, licenced in terms of the Mental Health Care Act, No. 17 of 2002, to care for persons with severe to profound intellectual and physical disabilities, and provides both full-time residential and day care services. Woodside Sanctuary residents require lifelong care and once admitted, remain in our facility in Cottesloe, Auckland Park. During the course of our 68 years of existence, Woodside has provided shelter, safety, stability, and love to well over 1300 individuals with profound intellectual disabilities. Ensuring that their dignity and wellness always remain at the forefront of what we do. Today, Woodside Sanctuary is home to 83 residents, ranging in age from 4 to over 67 years, who are unable to remain within the family unit and who require lifelong specialised care. As a place of safety and a centre of excellence in holistic total care for profoundly ...