VULEKA SCHOOL (Primary and Assisted Learning schools)

Cnr Good &, Herman St, Sophiatown, Johannesburg, 2092, South Africa
website help learners at Vuleka Primary and Assisted Learning School by providing excellent affordable quality education..
More about VULEKA SCHOOL (Primary and Assisted Learning schools)
Vuleka School is a non-profit school founded 33 years ago to afford learners from previously disadvantaged an opportunity of good quality education. We encourage our learners to strive for the best and to be lifelong learners who are going to be positive contributing members in the communities and in our country, the above is epitomized by our motto "Enter to Learn - Leave to Serve". Vuleka School comprises of the following: Vuleka Early Learning Centres (St John's in Benmore and St Francis Parkview), Vuleka Assisted Learning Centre for learners who have learning barriers in Randburg, Vuleka Primary Schools (St Michael's Weltevreden Park, St Martin's & Jellicoe in Rosebank, St Joseph's Sophiatown, St Mark's North ...
Our staff (1)

Jabulile Khumalo
Safe and Caring Environment: Vuleka St Martin's.

Learn through play: Vuleka St John's (Early Learning Centre).