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Unlocking her full potential

How attending Youth Club has helped shy, insecure girls to develop into youth leaders, facilitating holiday club

Club Edge Youth aims to create a safe space for the youth of Schauderville, to have fun, share about their journey and discuss some of the real and pressing issues that our youth encounter today. Two of our youth, Chelsea and Tazlin, joined the programme in 2018 and have been diligently attending most Fridays. We’ve had the opportunity to get to know these young ladies and build a relationship with them. Chelsea came across as an introvert but she opened up and revealed her kind, yet strong personality. She assists us with some of her peers at youth when they become too rowdy or confrontational towards each other. Tazlin has a bubbly personality and adds humour to our group activities. In the beginning she used to make a joke out of most things but has learnt that there are times for jokes and times for earnest moments, to which she makes valuable contributions. - They’ve become more comfortable in our programme and trust the bond of the group enough to be able to share some of their pain and challenges they face in their homes. - Their real and honest responses encourages other youth to open up as well. - Chelsea and Tazlin have been impacted by our youth programme and relationship with the facilitators to the extent that they felt motivated to volunteer at our holiday programme. - At the holiday programme in December 2018, we witnessed their leadership skills come alive where they assisted in leading children groups in life skills, creative arts and sport. - Chelsea and Tazlin still attend our youth programme and we are excited to continue to journey with them and observe their growth as individuals and within their peer group

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