Upper Highway Baby Home

Babies, Children & Youth
Hillcrest, 3610, South Africa
upperhighwaybabyhome.co.za/We help protect and nurture abandoned and vulnerable babies by providing them with a loving and caring home.
More about Upper Highway Baby Home
In South Africa there are an estimated 3,7m orphans and 190 000 children in shelters. Abandonment is a huge problem with estimates that 3500 babies and children were abandoned at Child Welfare offices in 2010. This does not account for the many more abandoned elsewhere and often left to die. We believe every child has the right to the care of a loving and nurturing family. We provide this at Upper Highway Baby Home by adopting abandoned and vulnerable babies into our family where, with the support of staff and volunteers, they receive a safe, healthy, positive and nurturing environment. Through the support of social workers the babies will be adopted into a similar family environment by the age of 2. Since opening the baby home we have felt an inner peace and purpose. The love and support of the local community is sometimes over whelming and has such a positive impact beyond just the babies. The Founders, Gary and Kerry Stanton, have the facility, social and professional support as ...
Our staff (4)

Thobi Ngcobo
Outreach Director

Gary Stanton
Founder and Director