Tshepong Centre for persons with disabilities

1768 Zwane St, Refilwe, 1003, South Africa
We help Persons with special needs by providing care, education, life skills, therapy.
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More about Tshepong Centre for persons with disabilities
Tshepong Centre for the Disabled, Refilwe, since 1996 is the only community facility to serve children with disability (physical and mental) in Refilwe, a semi-rural area which includes of Refilwe, Overwatch, and the informal area of eastern Mamelodi. The main objectives of the learning development methods practised at Tshepong is to remove artificial boundaries between education and training by integrating theoretical and practical learning, teaching and therapy methods. The Centres provides learning and therapy relevant to the needs of individual learners with disabilities promoting language, motor skills, elementary problem-solving, relationship building and basic skills by providing stimulation and therapy to:- Provide social Model of interventions to children with mental disabilities using stimulation and therapy interventions.Support families with Training and home programmes Involve the disabled in community development processes.Ensure that there is transparency and ...