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Our plans for 2022

To equip mothers for babies to thrive.

In order to thrive babies have simple needs – we call these THE THULA BABA building blocks: LOVE: Babies who feel loved develop into confident children, who grow up into caring adults. Active steps to create solid attachment and bonding are needed. CARE: Keeping baby healthy, preventing the spread of illness, and creating safe spaces for sleep and play. READ, PLAY, SING: Stimulation for developing minds happens when mothers sing, read and encourage explorative play and starts during pregnancy. BEST FOOD: From pregnancy through to breastfeeding and early solids – good nutrition creates the foundation for healthy bodies and minds. OUR PLANS FOR 2022 are to: equip 400 moms through our incentivised prenatal and baby care classes, to dress 5000 babies through our hospital and clinic maternal support programme, and to start our Smart Mama virtual support programme. In order to achieve this we need to move the organisation to the next level of business development.

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