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Alumni Success Story: Rochell

A story highlighting the academic journey of an accounting graduate.

The first to graduate in her family and an aspiring CA(SA), Rochelle Cloete is a determined young woman ready to make her family proud. This bright alum started studying in 2020 when she pursued a Bachelors in Accounting at The University of Stellenbosch and completed her undergraduate degree in 2022. This was not the end of the road for her as she furthered her studies and completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting. Rochelle stayed true to her dream even when the journey became rocky. During her second and third year of her undergraduate degree, she quickly discovered that her modules and subjects were getting more complicated. This challenge, however, did not weather Rochelle’s grit and resilience but, instead, it motivated her to be a conqueror. Apart from the financial support provided by The Tomorrow Trust, Rochelle was grateful to the organisation and its partners for allowing her to attend insightful workshops and connect with fellow students. She also expressed great gratitude for the support provided by the inhouse psychologists as she saw them as a pillar of strength when she was experiencing personal difficulties. “To share some of my self-reflections, I am more open-minded about certain things, and I can better communicate more confidently. I have also learned how to be more considerate of other people’s feelings and opinions on certain matters,” shared Rochelle. Rochelle Cloete's journey, from being the first in her family to graduate to completing her Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting, exemplifies the unwavering spirit of determination and resilience. Despite encountering academic challenges during her undergraduate years, Rochelle not only conquered the complexities but emerged with a newfound openness and consideration for others. The financial support from The Tomorrow Trust, combined with insightful workshops and the invaluable support of in-house psychologists, played a pivotal role in Rochelle's success. As she embarks on the next chapter, eager to undertake her articles and pursue her dream of becoming a CA(SA), Rochelle stands as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing how consistent dreams and unwavering aspirations, coupled with the right support, can lead to remarkable achievements.

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