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Turning Shame into Pride

Young Morther embarrased of pregnancy finds support. She is now a proud mom.

“I am Samanatha (name changed). The programme really helped me a lot, although I did not want to join the programme because I was breastfeeding while I was pregnant with another child, I felt embarrassed. I am truly sad to say goodbyes because Aunt Debbie became a shoulder to cry on. I was able to speak to her about anything and she would make me feel at better because I had a lot in my plate. I was always looking forward to every session, I felt better and stronger. She would always encourage me to look after myself and always reminded me about the saying that “If the captain of the ship is not fully skilled, how can the captain steer the ship to safety?” I recommended my friend to the programme, just to see Aunty Debbie. I am aware that this sounds odd, but I am grateful towards the programme due to Aunty Debbie’s lovely and open-hearted soul. The Parent Care Centre is so much richer to have you Aunty Debbie.”

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