Sikhula Sonke Early Childhood Development

Education & Research
35 Cephe Cres, Harare, Cape Town, 7784, South Africa
website help improve early childhood development in Khayelitsha by providing quality ECD services, training and resources .
More about Sikhula Sonke Early Childhood Development
Sikhula Sonke provides quality early childhood development training and support to the parents, caregivers and pre-school teachers of young children in the informal settlements of Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa. Our vision is that every child in Khayelitsha has the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential in a safe, stimulating, caring and loving environment. We want to see the parents, care-givers, community members and pre-school teachers in Khayelitsha being trained and supported to provide such an environment. We do this through five strategic programmes: The Emthonjeni playgroup outreach programme offers quality preschool interventions for young children - using the public spaces near water points in 8 informal settlements. We also support 200 families/caregivers with psychosocial services and practical training in parenting skills. The Imbiza programme engages families in the community on issues related to early childhood development through ...
Our staff (1)

Mdebuka Mthwazi
Executive Director
Literacy training and resources.

Mentoring ECD practitioners.

Community dialogues around child protection.

Fatherhood networks to encourage men to be active participants in their young children's ...

Building preschools in under-resourced communities.

Running playgroup outreaches to children not in preschool, using the informal meeting ...

Facilitating family and community groups, equipping parents and caregivers with life ...