Restorative Justice Centre

5 from 1 activities
 Arcadia, Gauteng

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Restorative Justice Centre


Crime, Safety & Prisons


802 Pretorius St, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007, South Africa

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We help victims of crime, offenders and anyone in conflict by faciltating dialogue and mediation in any situation..

More about Restorative Justice Centre

Programmes Advocacy and public awareness • Engage policy makers in the criminal justice system • Promote thought leadership through social media • Recent initiatives have included lobbying for the use of restorative justice in hate-crime legislation and proposing the increased use of plea and sentence agreements in serious fraud and corruption matters Court-based mediation • Facilitate conversations in criminal matters at a pre-trial and pre-sentence stage. Presently our main focus is on Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Intervention in correctional facilities • Set up and facilitate conversations between victims, family members and people in correctional facilities. Other contexts • We have initiatives in schools and environmental crime Training and mentoring • Since our inception we have trained over 2500 practitioners • We have collaborated with colleagues from other organisations to establish the South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Body (SARJAB) ...

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