Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation

5 from 2 activities
 Violet Bank, Mpumalanga

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Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation


Violence & Abuse Recovery


Violet Bank, South Africa

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We help rural girls and women by empowering them to stand and fight against GBV.

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More about Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation

Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 2016 and got registered with Department of Social Development on the 7th of December 2017. Our organisation came in response due to a high rate of Human Rights being violated in variance ways. We realise that there was a big gap between marginalised people and access to justice. Many people lack information about the constitution of South Africa. As Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation we render effective basic legal advice and paralegal services to individuals or community groups.

Our staff (5)

Edwin Makutu  profile photo

Edwin Makutu

Financial manager

Maria Ndlovu profile photo

Maria Ndlovu



Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Covid-19 Respond Team.

Covid-19 Respond Team

Field workers in Action #EradicatingIllegalAbortions.

Field workers in Action #EradicatingIllegalAbortions

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