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Rays of Hope

Rays of Hope 2017 calendar will keep you on track!!!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, and you get 13 amazing pictures inside a most attractive all-South African-made wall calendar for 2017, and that for only R150, while also supporting Rays of Hope, then this must be THE bargain of the current festive season. This year’s A3-size Rays of Hope calendar focuses on the south-east Asian country of Myanmar (or Burma). Each of the calendar’s 13 inside ring-bound pages (December 2016 to December 2017) feature full-colour photographs of this exotic and still somewhat remote country. Myanmar only recently transformed itself from an oppressive military regime (1962-2011) to a full democracy led by the heroic woman opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. During her almost 15 year house arrest she became, like Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s most prominent political prisoners. Dainfern photographer Lex van Vught visited Myanmar two years ago to take the pictures that now make up the new calendar. There are scenes showing, among others, ancient temples and religious sites, pagodas, a woman firewood vendor, and there’s an amusing peek into a Buddhist monastery featuring a young monk with his kitten. South African public holidays are highlighted on the monthly pages. Van Vught, who established his family-run calendar business in 2005 with his two daughters, is clearly fascinated with Myanmar. “It’s a country that has stood still in time. It’s rather like India was a hundred years ago. You don’t see a single Kentucky fried chicken or a MacDonald’s outlet. It’s all very simple, serene and tranquil. We could not believe the friendliness and the hospitality of the Burmese people throughout the country. We were intrigued with the people’s acceptance and contentment of their simple, non-materialistic way of life. “But we also took in the unspoilt countryside, the temples and the archaeological sites. From a photographer’s point of view, every minute you go, ‘wow, look at that,’ or, ‘that is so colourful,’ or, ‘that is so interesting.’” After its long military rule, Myanmar is actively encouraging tourism, which will make a massive contribution to its GDP. The Charity Calendar has produced differently-themed calendars for 11 years. From inception the business was charity-focused. Its underlying mission has been to help improve the quality of life of HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa. This is accomplished by producing, distributing and selling photographic calendars of the highest photographic and design standards, and then donating the proceeds of the sales to between 12 and 18 qualifying charities. All funds raised go towards providing basic services such as nutrition, infrastructure improvements, training of caregivers, and towards buying school uniforms, textbooks and educational toys. While the business side is run by daughters Michelle and Anique, Van Vught can count on a small number of highly specialised individuals and companies in the fields of layout and design, repro, photo enhancement, and rapid transportation. These provide their services free of charge. The calendars are printed locally on South African-produced paper. Rays of Hope recently joined the ranks of The Charity Calendar’s beneficiaries, and has its own “sun” logo imprinted on its calendars. To purchase your 2017 Charity Calendar, please contact Andrea o 0861 000 000 /

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