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Knox Brother

Mr Knox 2016

Knox held their annual end of year function and prize giving on the last meeting of the year in December 2016. In previous years, Knox has always held this function at Rosebank Union Church, where the brothers dress up for the occasion: a more formal affair. This year, it was decided to break tradition and have the event in Alex and had a braai. It was fantastic when feedback from the guys, and Doctor in particular, came back as really positive. They enjoyed the function this year the most in comparison to previous years. They found it to be a far more personal and relaxed setting, needless to say it was a big hit with the guys. Each year the climax of the event is to hand out the well-deserved and revered Mr. Knox trophy. This trophy is awarded to the brother that has lived the Knox values to the best of their ability in that particular year. This criteria works well, as it is not based on performance, where certain brothers who are naturally higher achievers would easily achieve the honour, but rather looks at the growth of the individual over the course of the year. This coveted award has been quite closely contested in previous years with some big surprises on the day. As usual, it was a big surprise for the winner himself in 2016, however the vote of the volunteers for Richard Khunou was unanimously agreed upon. The two elements which clearly set Richard apart as the winner this year, were as follows; He had a significant personal set back early in the year that he bounced back from. We believe that if others had the same adversity, they may not have come back fighting as he has. Richard has a dream of providing his family with their own home in his hometown which is quite unheard of within his peer group. Having worked extremely hard for this and after paying the final fee to obtain the legal title deed, was told by the traditional Chief, that given his age and other complications of owning this home, he/it would not be accepted by the community and he could therefore not proceed with ownership. This was a trying time for Richard as all his savings and dream were (and remain) at risk. The way that he has dealt with this has been amazing for us to witness. The other element which has stood out for us in 2016 is Richard’s enthusiasm and motivational spirit. On many, if not most, occasions the volunteers have left the Saturday meetings more inspired and in awe of Richard’s positive contribution to Knox than we could have mustered up ourselves. He clearly is an inspiration to his fellow brothers, including the volunteers, and has faithfully carried the spirit of Knox with him into the Alex community. Well done Richard, you deserve the accolade and the title of Mr. Knox in 2016.

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