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Knox Breaks Barriers In 2015

The Rays of Hope project Knox, which prepares unskilled people for employment, had a remarkably good year in 2015. Knox constitutes a group of men from Alexandra Township who are given essential life coaching and counselling in order to make them work-ready. The real success of the Knox endeavour is the number of members placed into jobs. A number of companies have partnered with Knox, and 15 members have graduated into learnerships and internships; the first steps to full-time employment.

The Rays of Hope project Knox, which prepares unskilled people for employment, had a remarkably good year in 2015. In fact, it was so successful that there were far fewer attendees at the end of year coaching sessions than usual. Gary Seath, Project Leader remarks “That was a good thing because it meant that quite a few of our members had graduated into employment.” Knox constitutes a group of men from Alex Township who are given essential life coaching and counselling in order to make them work-ready. ‘Knox Brothers’ meet every Saturday afternoon in Alex together with a dedicated group of business-minded individuals who support and tutor them through their challenges. “There is a huge need for basic skills training to make these men ready to seek employment and hold down jobs. At Knox we have a structured programme that addresses key life issues in three specific areas: spiritual, emotional and intellectual. We believe that spiritual growth + emotional growth + intellectual growth = personal growth,” Gary explained. The programme was full of activities in 2015. “Apart from our regular meetings and one-on-one coaching sessions, we had a number of motivational speakers talk to the brothers. Most of these people have courageous success stories that were fraught with severely disadvantaged pasts. They are role models for our guys,” said Gary. The group also worked through ‘Fireproof’, a DVD telling the story of a fire-captain who transforms his life and marriage through the healing power of faith. “Another highlight was ‘Getaway’, the Rosebank Union Church camp, which ten brothers attended. Knox is also involved in the Cycle Tour of Hope, raising funds for our parent charity. Finally, we had a successful year-end event where we handed out our Spirit of Knox awards.” But the real success of the Knox endeavour is the number of members placed in jobs. “We partner with a number of employers, and were delighted to graduate fifteen of our guys into learnerships and internships; the first steps to full-time employment. Four members went to Hyde Park Corner shopping centre and three more to the Bryanston Country Club. The rest went to various companies, mainly in the logistics industry.” Knox continues to power on, thanks to the dedication of a group of four volunteers who meet each Saturday to help those less fortunate through systematic preparation for life in general and the work environment in particular. Partnering with industry and commerce, Knox is bringing a bright ray of hope to a group of Alexandra’s unemployed, one life at a time.

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