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International visitors add value to CHH

Sihle he Child-Headed Households (CHH) project, part of the Rays of Hope initiative in Alexandra, recently played host to 12 Chicago School of Psychology doctoral students who were visiting South Africa from Canada. For all, it was a day to remember.

Sihle Mooi, CHH project leader, explains, “When they arrived we commenced with interesting and fruitful discussions. We asked them to outline what they do in their country and explain the various interventions and tools that they find useful in working with traumatized children, as they have extensive experience in this field. Among the group were several professors who are founders of initiatives that serve at-risk children and youth.” They also met our children from different schools in Alex. “The students enjoyed interacting with the children and taught them how to make beautiful arts and crafts, which the children took home. The children loved the extra-special attention from our foreign visitors. These are the kind of days that make this the best job in the world,” enthused Sihle. “Hopefully, this is not a once-off occurrence. We learned so much from this discussion and look forward to more of these kinds of exchanges. We value any assistance or skills we can get to help us put a smile on our childrens’ faces, many of whom have already experienced multiple trauma.”

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