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Child headed household

Joyful christmas party with Gold field

On what may well have been the hottest day of the year, the Child-Headed Households (CHH) programme, run by Rays of Hope, held a Christmas party for 85 disadvantaged children at Ikhaya Lomusa in Alexandra Township on 8 December. The event was sponsored by Gold Fields, South Africa’s mining giant. Also participating was the Santa Shoebox Project, a nationwide charity that packs and distributes decorated shoeboxes with a number of “goodies” inside to underprivileged children. The celebrations began with an ample hot lunch for the children, supplied by Gold Fields and prepared in the kitchen by a voluntary cookery team made up of head office staff members from Gold Fields. This was followed by dessert, when 150 cupcakes that had been baked at home by a Gold Fields staff member were given to the delighted kids. An icing-sugar mix and a chocolate spread were also provided and placed on the tables so that the kids could apply these sweeteners to their cupcakes as much as they liked. Ice-cream and cool-drinks were served up next and were relished by all as these items helped soothe many a parched throat from the dry, oppressive heat of the day. On the lawn outside the kids enjoyed a jumping castle and used the swings to cool off.A striking feature among the Christmas decorations that adorned the activity hall was a number of large-sized cloth dolls. These were due to be discarded by a children’s clothing shop in Sandton, which had used them as mannequins in their shop window to show customers their range of babies’ and kids’ clothes. It was thanks to Gold Fields’ fortuitous intervention that the dolls were saved from destruction and given instead to Ikhaya Lomusa. After a relaxing time of eating, drinking, chatting and running around, it was time for the Santa Shoebox Project to take over. The children, assembled in neat rows under the shade of a marquee, patiently waited for their names to be called out, whereupon each one stepped forward to receive his or her individualised shoebox. A jovial Santa Claus, seated on a chair, congratulated and hugged the children as they filed past him, shoeboxes in hand. The kids’ eyes widened even more when it was announced that the Gold Fields contingent had also brought along gifts for them, placed in striking green paper bags. It was a delightful double whammy. Many a small child seemed overwhelmed with his or her gift box and bag. It was quite a mission having to carry, handle and hold both huge items when all you’ve got are two tiny, chubby hands! Vicky Britz, manager of the HR department at Gold Fields and the day’s team leader, said in an interview that she loved working with her colleagues who had volunteered their time this year to lend a hand in assisting the Child-Headed Households project. The idea was to give back to the community and make a difference. She was looking forward to partnering with Rays of Hope again in 2017.

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