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Rays of Hope is lucky enough to have had billboards posted in various locations around Johannesburg pro-bono courtesy of Brand IQ. Thank you to all the companies that make our work possible.
Rays of Hope is lucky enough to have had billboards posted in various locations around Johannesburg pro-bono courtesy of Brand IQ. Thank you to all the companies that make our work possible.
Other stories

Health Day
All the Children checked.

World Water Day
Every Drop is Significant.

TB Day!!!
World TB Day 2022.

ROH ECD WorkShop
36 ECD attended a workshop.

!st Buddy Reading At Kingsmead College
On Sat our Grade R to 3s attended buddy reading at Kingsmead.

Christmas is about Reconciliation
As we prepare to celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth at Christmas, we reflect on the lengths that God went to in order to be reconciled to an ...

Fu n in the sun prior to the Big Race
A special brunch was hosted at Rosebank Union Church’s Amphitheater on Saturday morning, 18 November, in order to celebrate and thank the 60 cyclists ...

Mandela Month - Partnering with Corporates
Every year Mandela Day means lots of attention is given to our projects for one day only, which can do more harm than good. This year it was decided ...

Rays of Hope for Lasting Change
With over 70% of urban South Africans living in townships, it is vital that these areas are targeted with increased resources in order to make ...

Rose Act Asks" What are our stories?"
Rose-Act Saturday School held another successful Holiday Club for its learners in the July holidays. As before, the event took place over five days ...

Early Childhood Development First Aid Training
First Aid Training a trumping success thanks to Metronics.

Super Group's partnership with Rays of Hope
Super Group’s long-standing partnership with Rays of Hope, a community-based non-profit organization that operates in Alexandra Township, reached a ...

Rays of Hope Golf day Helps the people of Alex
Sihle Mooi, Rays of Hope’s executive director, congratulated everyone involved in the day. “This was a fine effort by all concerned. In particular, ...

Early Childhood Development workshop had them rocking
The Saturday morning workshop, which comprised separate slots relating to the correct teaching of numeracy, literacy and dexterity for preschool ...

Rose Act Saturday School
Delightful turnout at Rose Act Parent's Day.

Homework Club
Raising Reader's to love books!!!

Child headed Household
Proud2BMe Parenting workshop!!!

Early Childhood Development
The Early Childhood Development project of Rays of Hope had an excellent start to 2017 when a visit to five of the crèches in Alex showed just how ...

947 Cycle challenge
Fast & Furious peddlers raised considerable amount of money for Rays of Hope!!!

RAys of Hope
Vision day -kicking off 2017 with a bang!!!

Knox Brother
Mr Knox 2016.

Rays of Hope
Rays of Hope 2017 calendar will keep you on track!!!

Girl Support Group
Festive cooking class for girl support group!!!

Child headed household
Joyful christmas party with Gold field.

Rose Act
Rose Act end year party almost brings down the house!!!

Early Childhood Development
Caregivers held spelling while calling spade a spade.

Family Based Care
Chicago student vist Rays of Hope.

Early Childhood Development
Happy 1st Birthday to Early Childhood Development!!!

Rays of Hope
Director shares his throughts on the way forward for Rays of Hope.

Cycle Tour 2016
A warm welcome in more ways than one.

Knox Brothers
How Rhulani came to look after the VIPs.

Rose Act Saturday School
Learning,Cake and Camp- All part of the Rose Act -Experience.

Child Headed Household
Gold Fields lends Rays of Hope helping hands!!!

Alex Tour
Tour to Alex Proves to be a life changing experience.

Ignition ignite resilience among students.

Angela Pulls through despite gigantic odds!!!

Career Girl Who Conquered tough times.

Child Headed Household
Rays of Hope Cultivates Water wise Children.

Child Headed Household
Sparrow School Partnership.

Rose Act
Rose Act builds bridges between learners and families.

Ikhaya Lomusa
The Day Ikhaya Lomusa was Spruced up.

Early Child Development Workshop
The ABC of Skills, Healthy eating and physical exercise a hit at Alex Creches.

International Visitors add value to CHH
12 Chicago School of Psychology doctoral students.

Mandela Day 2016 Exceeds all Our expectation
The support we received from the corporate sector this year on Mandela Day was unprecedented. It was far more than in previous years.” Trish ...

A Rom-Com was just the Girls Support Group Needed
Movie Outing!!!

History of Alexandra.

Zoo Outing
Face to Face with the Big Five.

Kingsmead Junior School
Buddy Reading.

Messengers of Hope
A central component of our Child-Headed Households (CHH) project is the home visits. Each member of the team is assigned a family whom they look ...

Early Child Development
Educational Posters.

Ignition has its best year
Ignition is Rays of Hope project that mentors young university students from Alex. Sarah van Zyl, Project Leader, explained that 2015 had probably ...

Neo- The Hiccup that changed my life!!!

Rose-Act Holiday Club
Rose Act Holiday Club Focuses on the story of Joseph...

Painting on a Rainy Day
Varoom Designs asked the children from Homework Club (a spin-off from the Child-Headed Household project) to help them decorate their client’s ...

A new Life for six Orphaned Children in Alex
The problem of orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children in Alexandra Township is massive. Many live in child-headed households where ...

International visitors add value to CHH
Sihle he Child-Headed Households (CHH) project, part of the Rays of Hope initiative in Alexandra, recently played host to 12 Chicago School of ...

Early Child Development
Early Childhood Development (ECD), a project of Rays of Hope, recently held a training session for care-givers who look after pre-school children at ...

Rays of Hope is lucky enough to have had billboards posted in various locations around Johannesburg pro-bono courtesy of Brand IQ. Thank you to all ...

Knox Breaks Barriers In 2015
The Rays of Hope project Knox, which prepares unskilled people for employment, had a remarkably good year in 2015. Knox constitutes a group of men ...

Bryanston Country Club Hosts Child-Headed Households Monday, January 11th was a very special day for 45 Alex children who were exposed to the ...

Reading Corners for Crèches in Alex
With the start of a new academic year Early Childhood Development (ECD) is distributing Reading Corner Kits with age appropriate books to each of the ...

Profile on Child-Headed Households
. Child-Headed Household (CHH) families are effectively without proper adult leadership and supervision. By and large, the children are left to ...

Africa Works Crochet Studio
Crochet Studio is proud to have their baby blankets and signature quirky animals retailing in several Johannesburg interior design stores: Peter ...

At the Coalface of Tragedy
Poverty, a simple lack of money is one thing. Chronic illness and disability, both intellectual and physical, is another. Where poverty and chronic ...

Ignition Gets off to a flying start 2016
Ignition,one of Rays of Hope’s initiatives, held an all-day training seminar for its participants late January this year. Twelve eager young students ...

Rose Act Students Live up to Expectations
Rose Act Saturday School held its annual awards day on Saturday, November 28th 2015, an event that concluded another excellent year for the school, ...