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A Rom-Com was just the Girls Support Group Needed

Movie Outing!!!

The Girls Support Group is an offshoot of Rays of Hope’s (RoH) Child Headed Households (CHH) project in Alexandra. Sihle Mooi, the CHH project leader, explains how the Support Group works: “Many young people in Alex are vulnerable, and teenage girls in the townships face particular challenges and risks. The Girls Support Group (GSG) is essentially a peer-driven initiative that helps girls cope with specific, personal issues. During the April school holidays, RoH organised a trip to the movies to see ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2’ for the 30 girls that form the group. For many it was their first visit to a big mall. The girls got tubs of popcorn, a drink and chocolates and had fun posing in front of the huge cardboard cut-outs that advertised different films. There were continuous giggles and lots of loud laughing during the movie! The girls thoroughly enjoyed the film and recounted the funniest bits as they left the cinema. On the way back to Alex the group stopped at KFC and bought lunch for the girls. Sihle concluded, “This type of outing is important for our girls. Whilst it was essentially a fun outing to a place they had not fully experienced before, it’s important for young, impressionable girls to enjoy healthy fun with their friends, and cement these relationships. They came home more confident about their ability to understand what happens outside the confines of Alex.”

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