Ratang Bana Future For Children

Babies, Children & Youth
Far East Bank St, Alexandra, 2090, South Africa
We help Vulnerable children afftected by HIV&Aids in Alexandra by providing food & social security, a home & counseling.
More about Ratang Bana Future For Children
Alexandra is one of the areas in Gauteng affected by high population density, poor infrastructure (informal housing) and unemployment. Ratang Bana gives the people of Alexandra a chance to upward mobility by providing food in the form of food parcels to needy families and children. Our organization is multi-dimensional in terms of fields of practice. We provide psychosocial services to children and financial support (food, clothing, counselling, prevention of drug abuse and educational support) for orphaned and vulnerable children; and cater for families and the larger community of Alexandra. As our main focus is Orphaned, Vulnerable Children (OVC) we are guided by the Children’s Act number 38 of 2005, which makes provision for the right of children to care, the dignity and worth of the child and other psychosocial needs of the child. The Children’s act also acknowledges the involvement and responsibility of the family in children’s lives and upbringing by advocating a stance for ...