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African Storytelling

Oral storytelling can improve children’s language fluency and help them grasp new concepts that underpin literacy and literature. Our African Storytelling series is a collaboration with ASSITEJ South Africa, in partnership with Goethe-Institut South Africa, Rand Merchant Bank, and Soweto Theatre.

Play Africa empowers emerging perfomance artists to create free, dynamic storytelling sessions aimed at children ages 4 - 8, and accessible to all children age 10 and under. Stories include local musical traditions, movement , and are offered in English, with supportive vocabulary in indigenous languages. Play Africa ignites the creative economy of South Africa, supporting the professional development for emerging artists, while empowering them to give back to children in our community. Together we are creating employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for artists, while showcasing their work with and for children and families of South Africa. The main goals for children : 1. Ignite arts appreciation and support early literacy 2. Ignite creativity, imagination and wonder 3. Bring children and families together through the arts

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