21 Bond St, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194, South Africa
We help all medically uninsured and communities by providing free mammograms, papsmears and PSA's..
How can you help?

Help PinkDrive NPC raise R4,000,000 for a new mammogram machine.

Help PinkDrive NPC raise R50,000 for Cancer detection campaigns in remote areas.
More about PinkDrive NPC
PinkDrive has five principal interventions implemented through two flagship programs - PinkDrive® and More Balls Than Most®. These are channeled through mobile point-of-contact service delivered by skilled certificated medical/nursing practitioners. • Clinical Breast Exams: A mass screening service provided to women and men of all ages. This service includes one-on-one cancer education focusing on self-examinations as well as clinical breast examinations. • Mammograms: A select screening service primarily provided for women over the age of 40 - unless they are referred for a mammogram by a Doctor. • Pap Smears: Cervical Cancer Screening. • Prostate Specific Antigen Test (PSA): These tests are a form of rapid testing for men above the age of 40. PSA tests are administered by testing an adequate blood sample taken from a subject. • Prostate and Testicular Cancer Awareness and Education: At all activations, More Balls Than Most sets up information booths and distributes ...