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Phoenix Child welfare Baby Box and Home

Phoenix Child Welfare’s Children’s Home which was officially opened in May 2019

The first child was admitted on 26 June 2019 now has a Baby Nursery and a Baby Box. The baby nursery is a valuable resource in our community and allows us to care for babies who have been abandoned or neglected by their parent/s. The Baby Box was set up at the nursery as a response to the spate of abandoned babies that is plaguing our Society. The establishment of the Phoenix Children’s Home within our community minimizes the trauma and damaging effects associated with the removal and placement of children in alternate care. It has proven to enhance adaptation and create a deeper sense of belonging as children are placed within their own community with their culture and ethnicity intact. Further, it promotes reunification and appropriate contact between children and their biological families, can be efficiently established and maintained with the hope of restoring the family unit altogether. Phoenix Children’s Home aims to make sure that they meet the needs of children who can't live with their own families. That means that as well as providing food, shelter, and space for play and leisure in a caring environment, they also act as a place where children can grow and develop. The wellbeing of children is our top priority. We welcome donations of any kind and are extremely grateful for your contribution. We have ongoing monthly needs and donations of cash, or practical items that we also need like baby formula, nappies, wet wipes, baby blankets, and many more. For more information on how you can donate towards our children’s home, kindly contact Mrs Aroona Chetty on 031 5003671.

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