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First term of 2023
A look into the First term of 2023 at Makabongwe Pre-School
We started the year with our New Principal, Mrs. Kate Baker, who was welcomed with warm arms by our parents. It was a day filled with joy for those children who were looking forward to be part of Makabongwe. Some tears were shed, some children tried to escape, a sight to behold – teachers and Moms chasing after them but all in all it was great day. On the 9th February 2023 eThekwini Municipality – DSW came to visit us and educate our children about recycling. Thank you eThekwini, for educating us on recycling. Remember – USE – REUSE – RECYCLE! On the 14 February 2023 we had our Colour of love celebration our children had the best time celebrating love! There was pink, there was red, and there was a show. This time our children had a chance to model and dance for us, On the 23rd March the Grade 000 and Grade 00 went to Botanical Gardens for their first outing. We had nature hunt and a picnic. The children had a lot of fun searching and collecting some items, which they then used to make a collage. We did the same for the Grade R outing on the 28th March. A special thank you to Glenwood High School for giving us a lift in your bus, Aunty Melissa for making some delicious hotdog as always, Go Big Boyz for printing out our brand new outing shirts and Nicole Horner for donating the shirts. We also had some amazing volunteers from DGC and some wonderful ladies from Switzerland who have become our good friends. The Easter Bunny visited the children of Makabongwe on the 31st March. You could hear the joy and delight when an egg was found and even more so, when enjoying the delicious chocolate treat. PLUS the children got to take some Easter Eggs home to share with their families. A HUGE thank you to all those who donated Easter Eggs to the children at Makabongwe! What a great way to end the first term! Thank you to Clifton Durban, DGC and Joy Well beloved 🌸🫶🏽🌸🫶🏽