Leli Khono

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 Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal

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Leli Khono




Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

We help train disabled people by providing SAQA accredited training.

More about Leli Khono

The organisation’s main objective is to empower people with disabilities to become fully functional citizens who contribute to society. The organisation achieves its main objective by training selected people with disabilities as well as caregivers of persons with disabilities in mentoring, in order that they can mentor other people with disabilities in their own community. The organisation achieves its main objective by training selected people with disabilities as well as caregivers of persons with disabilities in awareness making and events planning, in order that they can organise social events in their own community, including persons with and without disabilities, to raise awareness about disability and life with disabilities. To achieve its main objective more efficiently, the organisation helps and empowers people with disabilities to come to terms with their own disability, in order that selected participants of this programme can pursue other training programmes the ...

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