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Giving support to our community

Empower those living with disabilities,orphans,less privileged and abused victims, through feeding,education,counselling and equipment them with the necessary skills

Our aim is to provide community service and support to the Orphans,Widows,abused Woman and those with Chronic diseases HIV and AIDS. House of Paradise is here to serve the people with integrity and love without any discrimination and treating them equally in spite of their background and circumstances. We are feeding the hungry orphans, giving moral support to raped and domestic violence victims, we also offer skills development programs for youth and people living with disabilities, and well being programs for senior citizens. Due to the higher rate of unemployment we have started a youth skills development program of welding with accredited with Merisita. We are training young people and developing and shaping them into job creation so bringing hope to the hopeless in order to restore good moral and integrity into our young people as they are the future of our country .Working together with our councilors and their support we are making a different in our communities

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