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Second Chances do happen

Young Teen girl given a second chance, at having a safe life

It took an axe to change the history of a family for one of our new arrivals. Recently a child in our care walked to the front door of her house after hearing someone knocking and opening it, out of nowhere an axe came flying past her face, missing her by inches. If that wasn't enough the person swinging the axe steamed through the front door waving the axe as if it was just a toy hitting a grandmother on the side of her head and in her face. And in the child's very own words. She says she's never seen someone's face open up like that ... If that wasn't enough for a child to witness, she had no choice but to run out of the house, her life depended on it. It was her "mother" who'd lost her mind, she tried to chase her down, until she hit another victim in the shoulder leaving his arm hanging while he fought for his life, trying to get the axe away from a mom who's lost total control. With no one to help, this child picked up the piece of her broken life, she's gone from storm to storm facing abuse, violence & poverty until she arrived at our door. Family!! The children who arrive at our door, lives depend on our support. We can only do as much as we can with the little we have. Over the past few weeks, many more children have arrived at our doorstep needing a safe home, education, family, healthy food and love. When we are burdened with the worries of how we'll make it the next day or how we'll fill the school bus up, it makes our mission so much harder. We desperately need financial help, this is not an easy responsibility and we know it's not yours to carry, but we have dedicated our lives to helping these children have a better life, it's not about us but about them. Our current urgent needs are.... Monthly fuel sponsors R1700 weekly Monthly electricity sponsors. R900 weekly Education sponsors R 7000 monthly Food sponsors Clothing sponsors BANK DETAILS BANK FNB (FIRST NATIONAL BANK) ACC NAME HELPING THOSE IN NEED ACC NUM 62695705594 BRANCH CODE 250109 ACC TYPE CHEQUE REF PLACE OF SAFETY EMAIL Follow us on Instagram htinmm

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