Hawk Academy Combined School
We help local community by providing education from Grade 1 to 12.
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More about Hawk Academy Combined School
The vision of Hawk Academy is to nature the balanced development of body, mind and spirit, leading to the fulfilment of each individuals potential within the broader community in all its diversity. The realization of our mission will be achieved by providing a safe, caring and happy environment which is conducive to learning maintaining realistic class sizes conductive to optimal learning. Ensuring that the educators are well qualified to teach the various subjects and all learning areas maintain a balanced approach to academic, cultural and sporting activities providing stimulation and challenge for both the talented and less talented learners. Recognizing and praising effort and excellence. Hawk Academy aspires to provide a diverse educational experience for children to believe in themselves and discover their true potential. Hawk academy is a Christian independent English medium school situated in Primrose Germiston, South Africa. Primrose is about 20km east of ...