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Justice after 7 Years

GRIP helped a 17-year-old rape survivor from Kabokweni get justice after 7 years

GRIP supported a 17 year old Survivor from Kabokweni who finally got her day in court after 7 years later. The Survivor received post violence care services form GRIP after she was raped at the age of 10 years old. The Survivor was able to bravely navigate her case after attending pre-court training with GRIP several times for support. She was educated on lies & truth, who’s who inside the court and their roles and responsibilities. At her trial, she was able to testify beyond reasonable doubt, even after 7 years. She also managed to point out and identify who the perpetrator was. The reason the case was postponed over and over since 2016 is because the perpetrator kept on changing attorneys and at times, he would not arrive for his court appearance. With each postponement, the survivor would be very disappointed but with all the delays the survivor, the survivor persevered and in the end, her testimony was perfect. GRIP Friends of the Court were there to support her each time there was an obstacle that she needed to overcome. The perpetrator was sentenced 17 years imprisonment and she eventually had her justice.

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