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16 Year Old

16-year-old reported rape by a known perpetrator; case opened, receiving support

A 16 year old survivor reported at Daantjie Police Station that she was raped by a known perpetrator. She and her sister had visited her sister's boyfriend. Upon their arrival, the boyfriend called one his friends and invited him to come join them at his house. The Survivor mentioned that they all drank alcoholic drinks. When it was around midnight the boyfriend and her sister went to sleep. The survivor was left alone with the friend who started touching and kissing her without her consent. The survivor explained that said she tried to push him away and told him to stop but he over powered her because she was a lot smaller and also was under the influence of alcohol – although she was completely lucid and aware of what he was doing. He managed to hold her down and raped her. She tried to shout to her sister and boyfriend but they took a long time to wake up and come to her rescue. The survivor was taken to the police station by her sister to open a case of rape. She was then taken to Rob Ferreira hospital for forensic examination and treatment – because she reported within 72h, we were able to initiate her on PEP to prevent HIV as well as emergency contraception. The survivor was understandably very traumatised by what had happend to her. She received psycho-social support session from our GRIP Social Worker and First Responders visited her at home to check in on her and her family. The survivor also revealed that the perpetrator's family came to her house and offered to pay a fine to her family for the damages caused by their son but her parents refused the bribe and they are continuing with legal action. GRIP is supporting the process.

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