Greener Pastures For Us All

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 Pretoria, Gauteng

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Greener Pastures For Us All




Pretoria, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality

We help underdeveloped schools and communities by providing high-impact sports development programmes..

More about Greener Pastures For Us All

Greener Pastures For Us All is a non-profit organisation that makes use of sports development programmes to develop and empower young people in underdeveloped areas. The sports programme is a strategy used to help bring about social change and cohesion in distressed communities. Sports and physical education is essential for the physical, mental and social development of young people. It helps them to learn the importance of key values such as honesty, teamwork, fair play, adherence to rules, and respect for themselves and others. Greener Pastures uses sports to promote health, education, child protection, gender equality and reduction of gender based violence against women and children. Our mission is to build a progressive legacy of sports development and transformation for the youth through the provision of high-impact programmes centred on untransformed sports, leadership and social skills development. Nelson Mandela once said, “Youths of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” The ...

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