Citizen Leader Lab

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 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng

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Citizen Leader Lab


Education & Research


Rivonia, Sandton

We help Leadership that builds a better future for ALL by by providing transformative leadership programmes..

More about Citizen Leader Lab

South Africa has a challenged education which has ranked poorly in educational quality, and lowest in key subjects like Mathematics and Science. 40% of children drop out of school before Grade 12, and 81% of Grade 4 learners are unable to read at grade appropriate level. Although significant spend has been made in education, transformative interventions are required to address the challenges faced. Research on school performance in South Africa indicates that the quality of classroom teaching and principal leadership are the two in-school factors with the strongest influence on educational outcomes. Principals affect every learner in a school by influencing the conditions for teaching and learning in each classroom. Good principals run efficient/disciplined schools, support their teachers, mentor staff, involve parents, and seek opportunities to promote their schools in the broader community. Citizen Leader Lab provides a 12-month leadership development and support programme that ...

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