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Thanks to the AEC

We all deserve every weekend with our families you know. We deserves every minute of weekend to ourselves. I mean really as a teacher you just need a breather away from school environment. But guess what, there are some people in this world who just don’t sleep. These people spend every second of their free time preparing something for those in need. They even compromise their resting weekend to spend yet another day of teaching. So kind of them. You know what’s so sweet about them? They are passionate about their work. As much as we are congratulating AEC class of 2020 , I would like to congratulate all the AEC teachers for their hard work. They made everything possible. They made bachelor pass and distinctions possible regardless of the hard times we went through. As a class of 2020 we would like to thank all AEC teachers. We truly appreciate their time and dedication to teaching us. Truly we won’t forget AEC when we’re are Rich and Famous like Mr. Channon keeps on reminding us – I just don’t think I’ll be one of the rich though, at least he won’t be after me . I’m safe :) AEC has always been home and always will be. Really I would be lying if I say 2020 was a completely difficult year for me and my family. The support we got from AEC made the year 2020 such a special year - sometimes I just say to myself: thank you Covid. Without this Covid we would have not received any tablets( for school work hey) , not forgetting about free data from Telkom, and most importantly not forgetting about the nutritious food parcels they gave to our families every week. We just never starved. AEC was there always. We never fell behind with school work. We had every resource we could ever ask for. These amazing results are all because of AEC. THANK YOU AEC : Class of 2020 We came, we learned and we passed!!!

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