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Huis Francie Van Zyl

Huis Francie Van Zyl’s vision & mission:

Huis Francie Van Zjil's mission is to conduct a variety of social interaction engagements at local places that need and would accept our help. Make as great of an impact in our community, whether that be physically or with donations, as we can with the time given. To instill hope, humanity, and support in our community whilst we can, especially from our generation of future health care workers. 

What are we currently doing?

Huis Francie Van Zyl wrote letters of appreciation to healthcare workers during community morning. There will be a career day at Kalkfontein Primary School which will give grade 7s more info on goal setting and creating vision boards. A cook soup will be run for either a shelter or the security guards on campus (possible collaboration with bread manufacturers). The passion project is still to be determined as the committee isn't not completely formed yet. Inside the residence, there will be a pad drive, pantry project (a section donates food/month), lab coat initiative (donating and borrowing lab coats), and collaboration with social committee for sanitary item for entry to social events.

What else can you do?

Community service has been an integral part of Stellenbosch University (SUN) for decades albeit in different forms and with shifting emphasis. This platform allows you to make social impact within the university's (7) CSI themes. Click on the links on the themes below to get involved in volunteering and donating opportunities of your choice.

Education For All

Employment and inclusive economic development

Environment and sustainability

Food security and health

Resources and infrastructure

Safety security and good governance

Social gender
