Embrace Village

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 Walkerville, Gauteng

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Embrace Village


Community Development


2nd Ave, Walkerville, 1961, South Africa

We help families by creating opportunities for belonging and safe learning.

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More about Embrace Village

Every human is instinctually and powerfully driven to find ‘safety and acceptance’ in community. Our first ‘community’ is with our mother and in our family – it is our first Trust space and lays the foundation for all our future outcomes from measurable health outcomes to our own ability to learn and then contribute meaningfully to the community later. When families/communities are fractured and cannot provide this sense of Belonging, great hurt happens and the cycle of poor relationships is set in motion. The consequences of this social fracture are exponentially worse when that fracture happens in our earliest relationship experiences. Embrace Village is using an integrated plan to improve the way families work in SA. Rebuilding the "Village" by bringing together infants, children, youth, adults and elders in a safe and empowering environment. We are reweaving the social fabric one relationship at a time. We use a multi-faceted intervention strategy with many connection ...

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