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Beneficiaries for AGRESETA internship

My name is Stanley Mngomezulu from Daveyton. I am a beneficiary at YIM

It warms our hearts to see our Youth adding value to the working environment. Stanley has shared his journey on his Artisan Apprentice Programme and is grateful for the opportunity granted by Yakha Ikusasa Manje Development Centre through AGRISETA.. My name is Stanley Mngomezulu from Daveyton. I am a beneficiary at Yakha Ikusasa Manje (YIM) Health Development Centre . I started at YIM as a teacher’s assistant at Inkatha Ka Zulu Primary school. My duties were helping students with their homework, sanitizing and keeping the classroom clean. During the teacher assistant programme at the above-mentioned school, YIM Health Development Centre afforded me the opportunity through their involvement with AGRISETA to do and partake in an apprentice programme boilermaker where I will become an artisan in 3 years’ time. I am currently on my 10th month now in this programme and I’m learning how to operate Oxy-Acetylene equipment cut plates with a guillotine machine, and read and understand drawings. I’m so grateful for this opportunity that YIM health development Centre has granted me with. I really appreciate Yakha Ikusasa Manje (YIM) health development Centre.. Always remember that "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi you

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