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From Pain to Connection.

A mother finds connection & restoration with her son through positive parenting.

A mom came for co-parenting counselling amidst a messy court battle. Her relationship with her co-parent has not improved, however, her son is doing much better. His OCD has dropped significantly, he is starting to take pride in his health and appearance, he is making more decisions, more focused on school and navigating his relationship with his dad on his own. This is because the mother has been supportive, allowed space for healing and venting, has been open with him, has not talked badly about the father and has established better boundaries with her son, teaching him how to problem-solve and manage conflict with his father. We have seen parents with depression, anxiety, etc. The full depth of their emotional pain emerges in a safe counselling space. Once their pain is validated and processed, they are more open to learning skills.

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