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Making a kinder world
Kindness is one of our big 5 values because we know that kindness can change the world.
Raising boys who are - GUIDED BY KINDNESS If you simply follow the news headlines and highlights, you’d know that the world is plagued by intolerance over race, castes, creeds and colours. This growing intolerance appears to be forcing a sense of separation, a creation of “others” to only not creep into our thinking, and of course into our politics but sadly into the way we teach our children about what it means to be human. Racial and religious persecution is more rampant than before, and tensions are growing. In spite of globalization and an unprecedented access to information, our fear and ignorance knows no bounds, and it’s robbing us of our humanity. The importance of kindness has never been more relevant at any point in human history than it is today. “One act of kindness towards one human being changes the world. Because to change the world all we have to do is change one life,” says host of the Netflix series The Kindness Diaries, author, and kindness expert Leon Logothetis. In his global adventure, Logothetis discovered that authentic generosity still exists, and that through the simple act of kindness you break down barriers, build kinship and bring about the very change we all are yearning for. Individually, each of us has the power to affect another person’s life – either positively or negatively. What we think, say and do matters. And that can be the very issue that holds us back from letting our kindness burst out. The fear of our intent being misunderstood or unexpected negative consequences of our action can have many of us swearing to never get involved again. Authentic kindness takes strength and courage. And is described as a decision to respond to the needs of another, rather than a compulsion to act good. Being nice is not the same as being kind. You know what it feels like to need the kindness of strangers and your empathy is what fuels authentic kindness. You need to be emotionally resilient as authentic kindness opens you to new experiences, some of which can make you feel uncomfortable. At The Character Company, we urge our boys to give of themselves in ways that stretch their understanding, compassion, and generosity. We remind our boys that putting their biases aside and reaching deep down inside for the experience that helps them to relate to another person’s suffering and need, is how they manifest authentic kindness. Our MENtors know that if you don’t take time in your life to connect to other people through their need, you limit your opportunities for true living fulfillment. Kindness is not just about helping others it is about nourishing yourself with experiences that open you to the extraordinary in living. We have a responsibility as adults to teach our children, through modeling our own behavior, that we should actively seek opportunities daily to uplift, encourage, and inspire others to feel their best and do their best. Teaching boys and girls to be leaders of their own lives first, through kindness, empathy, and compassion undoubtedly has the best chance of improving our world for the better.