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Are you a victim of abuse?

Our free helpline number *134*7355#

Are you a victim of abuse or rape? TEARS Foundation is a women-led organization & help is provided regardless of ethnicity, religion, culture or socio-economic background or location, TEARS Foundation provides assistance nationwide with a 24 hour free SMS service to anyone who has access to a cellphone. Our free helpline number *134*7355# Available 24/7 #tearsfoundation #npo #TEARSFoundation #wesuppportvictimsofabuse #knowledge #SAPS #rape #support #southafrica #rapesupport #freeresource #helpatyourfingertips® #victimsupport #selfworth #gethelpnow #intimatepartnerviolence #LeadingAntiSexualViolenceOrganisation #knowyourrights #violenceagainstwomen #saynotogenderbasedviolence #sexualassault #survivorsupport #crisisinervention #kindnessmatters

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