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Now in its 15th campaign, South Africa’s best-loved children’s charity, the Santa Shoebox Project, has touched the lives of 957 297 underprivileged children throughout South Africa and in Namibia. With annual reach extending to up to 100 000 children, the Project will be receiving and handing out its 1 000 000th Shoebox in 2020. To commemorate this magnificent achievement, for the past 3-years as part of the Project’s March To A Million, private donations have been accruing with a view to making a significant difference to the impoverished communities in which Santa Shoebox beneficiary children live. What better time than right now, in the throes of Covid19, to alleviate suffering and uplift lives in the hardest-hit areas of South Africa? With this in mind, Santa Shoebox Founder Irené Pieters has extended Project funding to organisations doing meaningful work in line with UN Sustainability Development Goals. Says Irené “Santa Shoebox goes to great lengths to find and serve rural children, who receive aid from neither government nor large NPOs. During these uncertain times, the children and their families suffer the same devastating effects as those living in urban parts of the country, with the impact worsening already dire circumstances. Much of what is being done right now in response to Covid19 is relief, not solution. We balanced our donations to address both the preserving of lives and that of livelihoods. Our Legacy project #beyondtheshoebox is aimed at food security, income generation, education, infrastructure support, gender-based violence, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean electricity and climate action - Covid19 has accelerated and re-prioritised the Project's goals.”

Watch Irené’s address here - For detailed information about each donation, please visit the Santa Shoebox Project Facebook page.

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