Mpumalanga Youth Council Org Drop in Centre
We help orphans and vulnerable children by providing food and education.
How can you help?

Help Mpumalanga Youth Council Org Drop in Centre raise R5,000 for purchasing netball and soccer ...
Help Mpumalanga Youth Council Org Drop in Centre raise R50,000 for Child-headed households in ...
More about Mpumalanga Youth Council Org Drop in Centre
Mpumalanga Youth Council Organisation was founded and registered as a non-profit organization in Mpumalanga, South Africa in 2015. It was established with a mandate to help and support disadvantaged children, sustain livelihoods and human rights for the most vulnerable members of the community. The vulnerable children may be orphaned, neglected, school dropouts, abandoned or simply living in acute poverty and are frequently affected by the ravages of HIV/AIDS. The Main Purpose of the Organisation It is to help children & youth from disadvantaged families, street-kids, school dropouts, abandoned & child headed families that are the most vulnerable children. It is our belief that the support of orphanages to provide care where destitute children can be nurtured and given sound Christian principles and a decent education should be our concern as citizens. MYCO Operational Activities The Drop in Centre, will provide a daily cooked meal, academic support with homework daily ...
Our staff (4)

Gcina Dlamini
Chief Financial Officer

Kitso L. Mojdibe
MYCO Chairperson
Set Banners -Poll -Up, Wall Banner, Gazebo etc Handover from World Betting Sports ...

Banners -Poll -Up, Wall Banner, Gazebo etc Handover from World Betting Sports 'We-Cares' ...

NPO Challenge Award from Momentum 2024.

Mandela Day Donation with IDC 2024.

Mandela Day with IDC 2024.

Outreach 2 Social behaviour through Counseling and Psychosocial Support, Community ...

Outreach Social behaviour through Counseling and Psychosocial Support, Community ...

Christmas -Standard Bank.