Humana People to People in South Africa (HPPSA)

Community Development
22 Ontdekkers Rd, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 1724, South Africa
website help poor communities by education, skills development, food security.
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More about Humana People to People in South Africa (HPPSA)
Humana People to People in South Africa (HPPSA) is a national registered NPO registered with the Department of Social Development. It was established in South Africa in 1995, with the goal to respond to the socio-economic needs of the poor. Its first project was established in Soweto in 1998 in cooperation with the local South Africa government. It is a member of the International Humana People to People Federation. Humana People to People works with establishing innovative long and short term development projects to support children, youth, women and men to protect themselves against diseases; improve their skills and to improve their conditions in general to provide for themselves, their families and communities. The organization has a portfolio of activities in: child and maternal health, hygiene, and elimination of malaria; HIV and AIDS, STI, TB, and NCD mobilization, prevention and screening. The organization also works to support to small-scale farmers, improve the environment, ...
Our staff (1)
In Mandela Park, Mthatha, Child Aid King Sabata Dalindyebo is leading a tree-planting ...
In 2023, increasing awareness of gender-based violence was one of our objectives. A ...
HPPSA team Cquest is currently molding bricks in Nongoma Village, KwaZulu Natal. To ...
TCE Zululand held a PrEP Demand Creation event in Mondlo on January 31. The event was ...