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What has Halli Trust meant for me:


What has Halli Trust done/meant for me so far: I cannot begin to tell you the fullness and humbleness that I feel when we help an individual/family. Gloria always says: “We bring hope!” I have realized when you lose hope, you only live for this moment and not for tomorrow. But by being there, listening, teaching and praying for the individual/family we make a huge difference! Sometime we only need to help once and they are okay, but we expect the individual/family to work with us. My family, husband (Martin) and 2 children (Androni 19y and Jeniël 15y) are also involved. My children and hubby bless me!!! They are always ready to help where they can. I have learnt a lot in the 5 years, but I have grown as a person also. The feeling that I have when the kids run up to my car or when they see me…screaming “Halli, Halli, Halli!” is just so unbelievably awesome!!! I love what I do!!! I do not want to change it for anything!!! I will keep on fighting to make a difference! I won’t give up! My theme/motivation song is I won’t give up by Jazon Marz. Halli Trust has already made such a difference in our community! May you feel inspired by our Halli Trust story! To also go out and make a difference!! Never give up, don’t see failures and mistakes, see them as opportunities to keep on and fight the good fight! Learn from it and educate if necessary, but keep on making a difference! I am extremely grateful for what we have accomplished in the 5 years! God has been good for us and He put all our plans/dreams/vision into place. He is truly the heart and passion behind Halli Trust we will not be able to do what we do without the presence and wisdom of Jesus! He started this small little flame in our hearts and it’s growing daily!!! THANK YOU FATHER!!! Our cups and hearts are full and overflowing!!! Thank you for taking the time to read our story! May you be unexpected blessed and received and unexpected gift today!!!

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