FoodForward SA

5 from 25 activities
 Epping, Western Cape

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FoodForward SA


Community Development


Viking Way & Odin Dr, Epping, Cape Town, 7475, South Africa

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We help the most vulnerable people in at-risk communities by recovering edible surplus food that serve the poor..

More about FoodForward SA

Our Vision A South Africa without hunger Our Mission To reduce hunger in South Africa by safely and cost effectively securing quality food, and making it available to those who need it. Organisation summary One third of all food produced in South Africa is wasted while 30 million South Africans are food insecure. Established in 2009 to address widespread hunger in South Africa, FoodForward SA connects a world of excess to a world of need by recovering edible surplus food from farmers, manufacturers, and retailers, for redistribution to registered beneficiary organisations that serve the poor. FoodForward SA is part of the Global Foodbanking Network focused on alleviating hunger and reducing the environmental impact by diverting good quality edible surplus food towards feeding vulnerable people. With operations in all nine provinces of South Africa, FoodForward SA is the largest food redistribution organisation in South Africa, ensuring that we are well-positioned to address ...

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