Differently Abled Cricket Club
We help disabled to participate in structured cricket leagues by providing the facilities, coaching and opportunity.
More about Differently Abled Cricket Club
What started of as a program back in 2007 has evolved to a fully structured club in 2016/2017. The need for the disabled to be accommodated in society is our main priority and we do this by means of participation in sport; cricket specifically. We also registered as an NPO in 2017 and recently been approved as a PBO, we are still awaiting our Section 18A approval. We are the only club of its kind in South Africa, which is truly unique as is our players. Not all players are born with a disability and many have had hardships during their lives. We are NOT Disabled, we ARE Differently Abled, a Cricket Club with a Difference, Making a Difference. We further would also like to establish a educational part where we can assist our players with education to enable them to be employable in the workforce, unemployment is still quite high among the disabled. Future plans also include the building of an academy to be used not only for cricket development but skills development as well.