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Mural Painting Project at Tshwane Rehab Hospital

Educational murals that were done at the Tswhane Rehab Hospital with TUT and MMI. Drawings were done to highlight the needs of the disabled

MMI, TUT ( Tshwane University of Technology )and Tswhwane Rehab Hospital that deal with the disabled population did educational murals in the childrens ward. The drawings were done to highlight the parents, patients on the rights of the disabled community. Often the newly diagnosed patient is not aware of the rights of their right. Drawings highlight disabled person playing an active part in the community ( playing sport, being accepted in society and in the family ) Drawings were designed by the medical staff at the hospital and drawn by the TUT lecturers and student. The project was adopted by the TUT as a varsity project. I would like to thank the Rehab Hospital staff, TUT and Thabo from MMI for their help The ward looks amazing

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