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Measuring Frames making learning fun

CEEP is on a journey to make learning fun, interactive & apply to real life

CEEP has installed these measuring boards in twelve schools. They have being placed in foundation, intermediate senior phase classroom. They have being used for data collection, telling of times tables and height. The materials have being designed by teachers, Gauteng Education Department officials and CEEP. We plan to do this in more schools. This is a teachers feedback ‘The height measurement will be used mainly at the beginning of the term where learners will be estimating then comparing heights of 2 randomly selected learners. They will use terms such as, taller-than, shorter-than, same height, etc. Learners will also convert the different actual heights between different units of measurement. Resources of this nature will be beneficial when we want to bring the learning of mathematics into life”. Lungile Shange - Acting HOD Isulihle Primary Join us to make a learning maths fun

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