#NoExcuse for Gender-Based Violence During Lockdown

 South Africa

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#NoExcuse for Gender-Based Violence During Lockdown

This campaign ends on 31 Aug 2020

About this campaign

Legally and constitutionally, we live in a country with one of the best platforms to promote gender equality and respect for human rights. Yet, as a nation, we have the highest record of gender-based violence (GBV) in the world. What are we missing?

GBV is a big social challenge in South Africa and the lockdown during the COVID-19 outbreak is making things much worse.

For the sake of our women and society, we have to address the toxic masculinity that has been formed.


STEP 1: If you are, or know someone who is, currently being abused during the lockdown - WhatsApp the word BRAVE to 0800 150 150 and get routed to the right place to get help.

STEP 2: Get involved in real-world action and sign up as a VOLUNTEER below...

By contributing to the Causes below we are giving YOU a platform to help GBV victims. 

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