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Newcomers to DAKTARI!

3 new meerkats arrived at DAKTARI

After Tiki's death last August, Gaspar found himself alone in his large enclosure. As meerkats live in a community, we could see him becoming increasingly solitary and less active. So we decided to take him on lots of walks and show him new places, to give him a change of scenery - and it worked! And after a few weeks, a surprise arrived at DAKTARI: 3 new meerkats! Karool, a male, and two females, Wanda and Frida, arrived as the saviors of our lonely gaspar. We were initially concerned about his integration, but careful measures were taken, including cleaning out the enclosures and gradual introductions. Today, the four meerkats coexist happily, digging underground burrows, and Gaspar will never sleep alone again!

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