Teddy Bear Foundation
Babies, Children & Youth
Joubert St Ext, Braampark, Johannesburg, 2017, South Africa
We help abused children, young offenders and their families by providing holistic service from medicals to court prep.
How can you help?
Help Teddy Bear Foundation raise R20,000 for Victims of Abuse.
Help Teddy Bear Foundation raise R10,000 for repairing their Soweto Branch.
More about Teddy Bear Foundation
The Teddy Bear Clinic currently known as Teddy Bear Foundation for Abused Children, originated in 1986 in response to an urgent need for medical examinations for sexually abused children. From there it has grown into a fully fledged service for abused children which includes: Forensic medical examinations, forensic assessments, counseling, psychological testing and more recently a diversion programme for youth sexual offenders. Professor Lorna Jacklin was a specialist pediatrician based at the Johannesburg General Hospital the chairman of the board of directors formed part of the inception of The Teddy Bear Clinic. The Teddy Bear Clinic is closely monitored by the board of directors who are all from civil society. The financial department is audited every year by a well known and reputable auditing firm.
Our staff (1)

Dr. Shaheda Omar
Director of the Teddy Bear Foundation
Dr. Shaheda Omar, representing The Teddy Bear Foundation, has travelled to Colombia for ...